Betty Sbarounis

My name is Betty Sbarounis and I will be one of the chaperones on  this trip.  I have been a St Sophia parishioner for about 24 years. I live in Algonquin, IL with my family, Robert, Steven and Michael and my husband Art.

As many of you know, I was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador and have seen first-hand those  that do not have the basic necessities.  Project Mexico has always touched me in many ways.  At first,  I was not sure what it entailed.  After hearing about the many trips St Sophia has taken, and learning the impact they had on their project family, it only strengthened my reason to go.  I want to help serve those that need help.  From what I saw from my oldest son Robert, who has gone twice, his faith has become stronger and the willingness to help those in need is evident.  Whether it  be with words or building a piece of  a house,  I can help during this trip.  I have always  dreamed of being able to chaperone one day and lead the St Sophia children to a spiritual journey where God is seen through their efforts of serving others.  Thank you.