St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
Sharing the Gospel of Christ Since 1979
The Holy Orthodox Church of Saint Sophia and Her three daughters, Faith, Hope and Love is a Community of Orthodox Christians who strive to love their God with all their hearts, souls and minds. With this, we seek to love our neighbors as ourselves. The vision of our parish is to equip its faithful stewards for the work of its ministries: for the building up of the Body of Christ. Through this we grow together in the grace, and knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ.As a community serving Orthodox Christians in the Elgin/Fox Valley area, we have been Blessed with so much. By the Grace of God, we enjoy a beautiful new Church. Its numerous programs are explained within this web site. The greatest sign of appreciation and thanksgiving towards the Lord, is to pass our Orthodox Faith onto our children. We must preserve, enhance, build and make secure the present and future of Christ's Holy Church. We invite all Orthodox Christians to become Stewards of Saint Sophia, and for you who are, I thank you for keeping the ministry alive.
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Meatfare Wednesday Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.Online Chapel
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Apokriatiko Glendi
Our "Glendi" is just around the corner, Sunday, February 23 5:00 – 10:00pm Click on This Link to Make Reservations!
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